Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dear Jeni,

Who is this person claiming to be Zorak, the arch-enemy of Space Ghost? S/he seems to have developed an unhealthy, obsessive fondness for you. Do you need me to kick some ass?

Obsessed Jeni Fanatic, aka Jeni's One True and Timeless Love


Dear Obsessed,

I'm afraid, dear fanatic, that the blog posting to which you link offers evidence of unhealthy obsession only on your own behalf. Furthermore, the benefit of being a random Jeni is that I may reject monogamy and accept as many obsessed admirers as may happen to come my way.

Oh, and in response to Zorak's observation that my blog is not updated frequently enough, I can only add that a Jeni would never stoop so low as to ask herself questions. Since I answer all questions that are asked, it is the fault of my uninquisitive readers if they find the blog updated but occasionally.


P.S. Any true fanatic might be interested in promoting my blog with the brand new askajeni bumper sticker.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow - a question asked about a reader who once asked a question -now your blog is really branching out! You might be interested to know that I get regular hits from people who have Googled "Ask a Jeni" - Google points to my post that mentions you. Sadly (for me) they click onto your blog link immediately without sticking around to wander through mine.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A google search for "askajeni"--that's how I came across your Grasshopper Ramblings. However, unlike my rude peers, I made a point to stick my nose in and snoop around.

You're welcome.

11:39 PM  

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