Monday, October 16, 2006

Dear Jeni,

I am currently teaching a writing class, and am getting behind in my grading. Can you recommend some ways I can get caught up?

Getting Behind in (City Withheld)


Dear Getting Behind,

There are many excellent, sound pedagogical strategies for the grading of student papers:

1. Attach all papers to an obliging fence. Dip small rocks in paint. Assign each grade a particular color. Assault papers at your leisure. Reveal color coding to students who ask about their grade (probably better not to inform them of your secret grading process though).

2. Have students write their address on their papers. Attach each paper to a helium balloon along with a message for the finder to grade the paper and return it to the student as soon as possible.

3. Burn down your house. Explain to anyone concerned (students, administrators, etc.) that the papers were in your house and cannot now be graded.

Option three is best used only in a true emergency.



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